Friday, May 3, 2024
HomeEntertainment7 Crazy Things We Can Never Expect from Batman

7 Crazy Things We Can Never Expect from Batman

Fans are known to dream up some of the most insane stuff regarding their comic hero’s that sometimes shock and at other times induce a state of laughter that people can get out of. Batman is one of the most recognized DC comic characters that fans imagine doing some crazy thing, so here are 7 crazy things the DC comic character would never say .

Here Are 7 Crazy Thing Batman Would Never Say

Also doubted the Gotham’s dark night takes on some of the most dangerous villains who love to strike up a conversation with him in which fans imagine the cape crusader saying some crazy things.


Imagine what the cape crusader would look like if he and Robin would dance. Boy that would sure tarnish their macho image 

Empty Tank Man

Just imagine your favorite superhero standing at the gas station weighting to fill the batmobile and saying bat things robin

Beam me up Alfred

Star track fans can’t get enough of it they have to put their spin on everything which at a time can be annoying

Does this bat suit make me look fat

What would the cape crusader say if he suddenly became fitness conscience? .well fans have answered that too

Can I use the bathroom

The need to relieve yourself is natural feeling wonder what would happen if the comic hero shows up at your house requesting to use the bathroom

I like clowns pawpaw

Even DC Comics couldn’t resist not taking part in the situation

To the batmobile

Something are so  corny that he should never say at all.

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Sara has been in the business of writing reports for years. She has an investigative style of writing, covering in-depth topics by identifying public issues which actually matter. Sara has a Masters in English Literature and aspires to become a reader influencer.
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