Thursday, May 2, 2024
HomeEntertainmentPeople Are Rebuking Disney's Decision to Remake Home Alone

People Are Rebuking Disney’s Decision to Remake Home Alone

Disney has announced the remake of Home Alone along with other classic movies to live stream them on one of its platforms. Fans are strongly rebuking this decision and are demanding that the entertainment company leave them alone.

Leave Home Alone Alone!

In the past, Disney has embarked on similar projects, and the results they yielded were less than encouraging. Unlike the originals movies, the remakes have received great criticism from the general public, especially those who grew up watching these videos or have memories attached to them. They have only one thing to say

The Home Alone movie propelled young Macaulay Culkin to new heights of stardom. At one point he had the largest fan following and was the US favorite child celebrity. So remaking the same movie without him was pure nonsense.

Last December Google Assistant ad featuring Home Alone had made fans nostalgic about the epic film.

Everything Has Changed

The time has changed, and so has the environment in which the original movie was made. So how do they plan on modernizing the movies while at the same time keeping that old vibe still intact? The technology and security systems have advanced so much. With a single press of a button or the slightest fluctuation of the heartbeat can alert the emergency service about your condition and position.

Or Disney Should Make New Movies

The entrainment company for the past few years has engaged in a series of projects that focus on remaking old Disney classics. Leaving many to wonder why and question whether they have lost the abilities to make new movies.

When the first part of the old Disney classic became a hit, four more parts were produced. Out of these four parts, only the one was a hit. The other parts i.e., part 3, 4 and 5 performed terribly at the box office.

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