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Six Ideas for A Great Halloween Costume

We are heading towards the Halloween 2017. We need to have great Halloween costume ideas which do not take all day to put on.

Great Halloween Costume Ideas 2017

Here is our top pick of the great Halloween costume ideas this year.

Cereal Killer

Yes, you read that right, not a “serial” but a “cereal” with a “c.” The cereal killer is the one who eats a lot of cereals. There is not a lot of preparation required for this kind of great Halloween costume. You need to be wearing a t-shirt with a health-focused theme.  This outfit goes great with health-conscious Halloween themes. You can showcase your focus on eating healthy food to remain fit. Just have an empty cereal box in your hand of your favorite brand.

The Pregnant Kardashians

Kardashians stay in the media spotlight for one reason or the other. There are rumors of three Kardashians each expecting a baby. So, if you are short of great Halloween costume ideas for a group, this may surely work out for you. Just tuck in two or three t-shirts underneath to make that bulge look real. It is a great Halloween costume idea since it does not need a lot of money and time to implement.

The Frightening Zombie

Everyone is afraid of the Zombies. If you want to freak out your party fellas, then you would find the Zombie costume idea out of this world. Imagine the number of options you have regarding the props. You can acquire from the different Halloween costume ideas for a Zombie. Zombie can take any form or shape. Some of the favorite costume ideas include Cowboy, Santa Claus, Star Wars, Disney Zombies, and Superheroes.

The New Taylor Swift

We know Taylor Swift tantrums, and the things a star sometimes does. Well, there was an old Taylor Swift, and there is a new Taylor Swift. Which one do you want? There can be many ways to play on this Taylor Swift Halloween theme. You could just make up yourself into the old or the new one.

Or, to add more fun to the whole thing, you could just make up yourself half the new and half the old. You could also do both the new and the old Taylor Swift in just one Halloween costume. With so many Taylor Swift fans everywhere, you will surely be able to make some eyeballs roll.

The Robot

You need a big cardboard box for you to fit in. Tear off the top of the cardboard box to fit your head into it. Also, take off its bottom so that you can wear it. Now, punch holes on the sides for your arms. To make your robot Halloween costume more fun, just add some stickers or paint the cardboard from the outside. It will make the whole appearance a lot more dramatic. The robot Halloween ideas surely give you a lot of room to play.

Game of Thrones

Yes, Game of Thrones is so full of drama. The north and the south and the fight and the throne and the winter coming all the time. The Game of Thrones can also provide a lot of Costume design ideas that you may adopt. There is no limit or end to your creativity. Since we have reached the Seventh season, you can choose from the past characters as well as the new ones. For example, you can use a rug, and a dark wig to become John Snow.

These are some of the great Halloween costume ideas for 2017. It is beyond our understanding why would someone wear offensive costumes? There are so many ideas for costumes that do not require you to offend someone based on anything.

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