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HomeCareer GrowthHow Can Mental Health Impact Your Career Prospects?

How Can Mental Health Impact Your Career Prospects?

Mental health is a significant obstacle to overcome for many employees who suffer from some problem. However, most employees feel afraid of sharing the details with their employer. Employees are not wrong in not sharing the status of their mental illnesses. Statistics suggest that people do sometimes get fired when they disclose they have a psychological problem.

So What’s Changing in Reporting About a Mental Health Issue?

It is difficult to say if your employer will discriminate against you because of some mental health problem. However, there is a slowly changing perception where more of the employers are becoming aware of the issue. In the past, companies were not concerned if their employees were having any such issues. However, more of the companies are now becoming cognizant of this problem.

Besides the increase in the level of awareness, the change in legislation is giving new hope. The legal reforms aim to help protect the employee. The Equality Act 2010 in the UK has already banned the employers from asking questions about employees’ health. It means, the companies cannot discriminate against any of their employees based on their physical or mental health condition.

Should You Disclose Mental Illness to Your Employer?

So, before you conclude, remember that we do not live in a perfect world. Despite the laws, some companies may discriminate against you based on your mental health issue.

How can Mental Health Impact Your Career Prospects?

So Here Are a Few Things to Consider.

Consider the Consequences

It is essential to judge the reaction that you are going to receive. If you are not sure, then you should probably restrain from reporting any such problem to your employer. If you feel that your boss will judge you because of some mental health problem, you must look for other job opportunities. Until you find a job that suits your career aspirations, you must not share the details with your employer. However, if there are other people in your company with similar issues accommodated, then you can feel safe about it.

Find the Right Time and Person

Do not just tell anyone in your organization about a problem. You must find a person who is going to understand your situation and offer support to you. Many people would provide help. But, you must carefully weigh your options. Also, find the right time to report such a situation. Make sure that the person that you wish to talk to has ample time to discuss that issue. Also, you need to find a place where they can speak to you in private without letting anyone else know about it.

Know the Legal Safeguards Available

The employment laws are different in every country. Similarly, there is a difference of implementation of laws against employers. So, whatever you read online may not apply to your particular situation. Therefore, if you plan to get legal assistance, you must determine the kind of legal support available to you. Only ask for legal aid when you think you would be able to get the support you need.

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