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How to Improve Reaction Time in 2018?

Everyone feels a need to improve reaction time at any stage in life. Such a requirement might be the result of an urge to match the likes of Bruce Lee. Even an ordinary human being who has never fanaticized about being a martial artist, sportsperson or a leader, needs to improve reaction time for better decision making.

Reflex action is a built-in biological mechanism in human beings that improves the ability to respond. But, not all the stimuli are explicit enough for the brain to generate the responses. In the same manner, reaction time to any change differs in human beings and depends on different factors.

Luckily, it is possible to leverage few practices that can make a person to respond more briskly. Here are few authentic ways that can help a person improve reaction time.

1. Abstain from Consuming Drugs

Drugs, alcohols and other such intoxicants, can hinder the brain’s activity up to certain extents. Few specific substances have links with increasing the mental performance for a limited period. But, in the long run, they do more harm than good. Those who want to improve reaction time must be careful in the choice of food. Drugs, and alcohols can slow down the brain’s performance in the long run. Further, too much relying on junk food can also affect the brain functioning.

2. Pay attention to your mental and physical fitness

A sound body and a sound mind are pre-requisite to a healthy lifestyle. One should start with maintaining physical fitness; for this purpose, there is no need to hit the gym on a regular basis. Those who follow a busy lifestyle can do enough with jogging and other such cardiovascular exercises, yoga and even sports. Such physical activities, help to detoxify the brain and hence it becomes easy for it to respond briskly.

Improve Reaction Time

3. Remain Active in Sports to Improve Reaction Time

Engaging in sports activities is one of the best ways to teach your brain how to improve reaction time. For instance, choose games like badminton, table tennis, hockey, and soccer. These sports require a well-coordinated mental and physical movements. Keeping an eye on the ball, measuring its timing to reach the player’s end and then using the racket to smash the target, are the best activities that can train the brain in a better way. Another good sport that can increase the ability to respond to a stimulus is the martial arts. One should try joining some karate classes or learn some essential martial arts. Such moves, make a person brisker.

4. Do the Following Reading and Writing Practices

Indulging in sports is not an only way to improve reaction time. Other engaging activities can relate to reading and writing. For example, setting a time to read a paragraph or doing self-assigned tasks, like spotting the number of time one alphabet, let’s say ‘a’ or ‘s’ has come in a section.

Another such exercise can be asking someone to put random items on the table and then take them back immediately. To count these things and list them after a reasonable interval of time, is an excellent way to train the brain for a response.

People should also test themselves in leadership roles. Consequently, they learn to make decisions and improve reaction time in a better way.

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