Sunday, April 28, 2024
HomeTechnology'Delete Facebook Its Lame' Says Elon Musk

‘Delete Facebook Its Lame’ Says Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s Twitter post”Delete Facebook Its Lame is likely to start a debate on reliability of Mark Zuckerberg’s social media giant. SpaceX CEO made his comment in reply to a Twitter post by The Dictator actor Sacha Baron Cohen’s tweet in which he questioned Facebook’s ability to control data of 2.5 billion people.

Cohen’s post shows Mark Zuckerberg sitting on an emperor’s chair dressed like a king and holding Facebook’s logo in a hand which then points out to a globe lying on ground. English actor has argued that if one person is not let to control the water for 2.5 billion people, and only one person is not allowed to control electricity for 2.5 billion people then how come one person can be allowed to control the data of 2.5 billion people.

Why Elon Musk Said to Delete Facebook

Elon Musk said to delete Facebook because he thought it to be lame as evident from his post. Since he replied to an objection on Facebook regarding its data recording ability one may deduce that Musk is also critic of social media giant’s knowing too much about its users.

This is not the first time that someone has called out Facebook for exercising control on what its 2.5 billion users share in form of their pictures, whereabouts and personal life events. First time the alarm rang when infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal emerged implicating Facebook in compromising users’ data without their knowledge.

The scandal had made EU (European Union) come up with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) that bound tech companies to clearly stipulate in their privacy policy that in which manner they tend to handle the users’ data.

What Is So Wrong with Facebook

Most of the times online platforms particularly social media websites have ability to process data of the users. In case of giant social network like Facebook things are more concerning since its mode of use is such that it allows people to share every single information of their life. Like, who is their friend, family member, colleague, where do they live where do they work, at which restaurants they dine out the most and what do they like or dislike. Even, the platform may know about political views and standing on social issues of a person as it is a place to express opinions. While, such a pattern of using social media has become so normal it is not likely reliable. In fact the mere thought that too much information about a person is stored in servers which are owned by another party is not comforting.

The matter really becomes concerning when it is about 2.5 billion people whose data is being controlled, processed or stored by a single non-government profit seeking entity.

What Do Others Have to Say on This

While critic of Mark Zuckerberg’s social media empire for its data processing authority is not really new, the fact that a techpreneur like Elon Musk is terming Facebook lame is enough to ignite a debate which depicted well in the comments that followed.

Some memes were coming too…

When we talk about safety of users’ data on online platforms then it is not only Facebook that should come under scrutiny. In fact, every such place whether it’s an e-commerce website or one that books hotels and air-tickets must be held accountable for its policy of treating users’ data.

Apart from data security another drawback of social media websites like Facebook is that they are time consuming and addictive; May be this is also a reason Elon Musk remarked to delete Facebook it was lame.

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