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HomeTop StoriesChinese Engineer Married Robot Woman

Chinese Engineer Married Robot Woman

A Chinese engineer married robot woman which he created all by himself.

The robot woman built by the Chinese engineer can say a few Chinese characters and speak a few words. However, the husband of the robot woman plans to bring her significant upgrades.

But Why the Engineer Married Robot Woman?

The engineer named Zheng Jiajia, who is 31 years old, chose to marry a robot woman because he specializes in artificial intelligence. He named his robot wife Yingying.

The road to building a wife for himself was paved with disappointments. The engineer Zheng Jiajia tried to persuade a lot of women to marry him, but he found no luck with his marriage proposal. After getting refused from a lot of women, he decided to get a wife who would not refuse his marriage proposal.

The best part is that the engineer built his robot wife according to his specifications. He created the design by himself and programmed the robot as per his wishes.

According to the engineer, the couple decided to get married as soon as they met as it was love at first sight. There was a marriage ceremony held (with no legal value), as marriage in China (like everywhere else) is only allowed between two human beings.

The wife aka robot wore a beautiful black dress and covered her head with a red scarf, representing a traditional Chinese wedding attire. Zheng’s mother and his friends attended the event as witnesses. The friends of the engineer said that he had become frustrated after failing to find a girlfriend.

The Upgrades

The UpgradesThe Chinese engineer has big plans for his newly minted wife. He will enable her to walk the house and do household chores.

Disturbing Men to Women Ratio in China

The Chinese population reached 1.36 billion by the year 2016. However, the gender ratio is far from ideal. There were estimated 115.88 boys to 100 girls by the year 2014, exhibiting 15% more men than women.

A recent study stated the number of unmarried Chinese men aged between 35-59 is expected to reach 15 million by the year 2020 and 30 million by 2050. The study also predicted that poorly educated middle-aged men are more likely to end up a single. The number of male population with only primary or lower education reached a staggering 15 percent by the year 2010. The National Bureau of Statistics revealed in 2016 that total men in China were 708 million and the women were estimated to be around 675 million.

Potential Benefits of a Robot Wife

  • You do not need to argue with your wife, just switch her off and the argument ends there.
  • Upgrade or downgrade your wife’s features the way you think are fit.
  • Program to speak with your wife in a language you like.
  • You have a wife who will never say NO to any task you assign to her.
  • No complaints or active checks on your cell phone, emails, SMS, and where are you going.
  • You do not need to act as a balancing force between your wife and your family because of cultural or value differences.

You can always upgrade the design of your wife and beautify her the way you like.

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