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HomeBlogsHow Virtual Reality Is the Best Entertainment during Coronavirus Pandemic

How Virtual Reality Is the Best Entertainment during Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus pandemic has lead to the closure of educational institutes, gyms and most of the outside of the home entertainment sources. People are getting sloppy at their places but thanks to Virtual reality (VR) which has given entertainment beyond Netflix.

There are many other entertainment sources available online but virtual reality (VR) applications offer user-experienced fun aside from gaming.

Virual Reality which has potential benefits and harms is basically a  technology in which computer aided stimuli create an illusion that allow users interact with 3D world generated by the computer.

Incredible Uses of Virtual Reality at Home                                      

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for the latest technology to prove itself as an alternative to the real life experience.

Virtual Reality In Education

When students read about something they always want to experience it in reality; with Virtual reality technology this is quite possible now. Due to coronavirus pandemic all educational institutes are in lockdown so this is a good opportunity to explore world using VR technology. While kids are at home they can take a field trip to Taj Mahal or Mount Everest, do virtual autopsy, do internship on NASA space station and many more. 

Virtual reality and augmented reality (AR) have already changed the dull and boring classrooms into a multi-visionary three-dimensional world.

VR in Medical Field

Virtual reality has some serious implications in the medical field which has turned the face of the healthcare segment. The 3D models through VR help surgeons plan operations. Physiotherapy can be now possible at home; researchers have combined VR and 3D technology which helped patients to do therapy at home.

Pandemic has severely affected human metal health, VR technology give an opportunity to conduct face-to-face session with your therapist remotely.  

Virtual Travelling

Coronavirus pandemic has stopped the world but it cannot stop the human beingsfrom travelling using VR technology. Wear VR headset and get ready to visit high mountains, shinning lakes and dense forest while being at home.

Many world famous museums and galleries are in lockdown and techies are busy in finding ways to entertain peoples. So, now many virtual tours are available and people can visit anywhere anytime no time schedule required following.

There is no doubt that pandemic has made it mandatory for virtual reality to play role in businesses.

Virtual Gyms

Virtual reality is also helping people to be physically fit at home during lockdown. Many VR fitness apps are available which don’t allow player to sit on chair. It is a high-intensity game-like workout on music from fitness trainer.

There are many physical games are also available like ping-pong game.

Virtual Events

 Due to coronavirus pandemic cities are in lockdown and major events around the world have been cancelled but thanks to virtual reality technology which has given people chance to attend events. Now anyone can attend award ceremony, music concerts and many more virtually.

Ministry of Culture of Taiwan has lunched a platform offering a way to explore culture by using VR and 3D technology.

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