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HomeNewsHow Work of Pulitzer Prize Winners Highlights Oppression in Kashmir

How Work of Pulitzer Prize Winners Highlights Oppression in Kashmir

Three photojournalists received the Pulitzer prize on 4th May for capturing how human lives are suffering in Kashmir on a daily basis. The photos taken by Pulitzer prize winners illustrate the sad reality in Kashmir that is brutally ignored by world leaders. There have been many reports of blackouts, assaults, and oppression and the work of brave Indian photojournalists who covered the situation confirms this.

Pulitzer Prize Winners’ Work on Kashmir

Here are the three photojournalists who entered in a lion’s den and came back with a reward. They wholeheartedly displayed the turmoil Kashmiri citizens are going through and how their lives are under extreme duress.

Channi Anand

Channi Anand has relentlessly followed the Indo-Pak political developments since 2000. His work highlights the natural calamities, social issues, weather conditions (that are bad for homeless), and altercation between terrorists, militant groups, mobs, and security forces.

Mukhtar Khan

Mukhtar Khan has extensively covered the Kashmir conflict throughout the 20 year of his career. While focusing on daily life in Kashmir, he has also explored the relationship between India and Pakistan and how both of them are destroying Kashmir in order to prove their superiority over one another.

Dar Yasin

Dar Yasin has also covered the Kashmir conflict in detail. His well-versed stories on war-torn countries have been published in all major newspapers and magazines in the world. Dar has earned dozens of international photo awards other than the Pulitzer.

For How Long Kashmir Will Be A Battleground Rather Than A State?

The images of Pulitzer prize winners captured the essence of life surviving in the hostile environment. Here are some of the many pictures that won Pulitzer. These pictures display the torment Kashmir is suffering due to security forces, protests, and various actions from the government. 

Kashmiri Women Standing Against Police

Indian policemen are seen firing teargas and live rounds in the air to stop women from marching and protesting peacefully. This picture shows how India reacts when someone challenges its decision. Indian government is still unable to accept peaceful protest as lawful activity.

People Wearing Masks and Protesting against the State

In this picture people of Kashmir are seen wearing masks while protesting to conceal their identity from oppressive forces. This protest was happening just outside Srinagar after Friday prayers.

Devotees Prayering Under Protection of Police

The situation has gone so out of hand that some policemen have to protect devotee Muslims from getting attacked while busy in prayer. It is believed that this shrine in the picture contains a valuable Islamic relic i.e. hair from the beard of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Bullets Hit Kashmiri House

This picture shows a young Kashmiri is taking out a bullet from the wall after a gun battle damaged the house. There were supposed to be books and computers in their hands rather than this darned thing.

Cute Kashmiri Girl Hit by Marble Ball

This heartbreaking picture shows a girl was hit by a marble ball amidst all the conflicts. PM Modi of India proudly exclaims that the curfew in Kashmir is for safety due to active mobs. Allegedly, Indian troops fired the marble ball which scarred the poor kid’s childhood. The curfew is doing the exact opposite of what the Indian Prime Minister implies.

People Calling for Independent Kashmir

This picture reveals the tightening grip of the Indian government over the region of Kashmir. People with banners: “we dream of independent Kashmir” are clear in what they want. Yet, the Indian government is persistently vandalizing Kashmir. Pakistan has raised its voice on this issue numerous times like in the United Nations General Assembly debate

A Serious Consideration from World Leaders Required to Resolve Kashmir Issue

The inhumane curfew in India has prevented the use of the internet and phone for people for months since the revocation of article 370. but the Pulitzer prize winners still found a way to cover this story. India and Pakistan are in territorial conflict over the region of Kashmir that has been going on since 1947.  Even after the war, the acts of war did not stop. They have kept pushing their own agendas while ignoring the actual matter at hand.

There must be a clear understanding of the major issue concerning Kashmir. It is necessary for both feuding countries to mutually admit the freedom of Kashmir – which is a point neither country seems to understand. Arguably, India turns out to be the bigger oppressor given their history of many human rights violations including Delhi riots. Due to all this war and hate-mongering, the practical solution keeps getting delayed since the world seems interesting in the market of 1.3 billion people for economic gain.

Note: Above pictures are taken from

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